Implementation Guide Series for the Wwise Unreal Integration

ゲームオーディオ / サウンドデザイン / Wwiseの使い方やツール

From our friends at Game Audio Resource, here is a Wwise 2019.1.4 Unreal 4 Audio Game implementation Guide series. 

Who is the guide for?

The guide is for beginners or people wishing to expand their own audio implementation skills using Unreal and Wwise.

What will you learn?

Starting with core processes, you will move through the course material expanding your techniques towards more advanced concepts. You will walk away from this guide understanding how to integrate Wwise and create a project from A to Z.

Follow along the step-by-step video guide, and if you need more resources, you can refer to our Unreal Integration documentation.

Let's get started! 

All you need is Unreal and Wwise.

There are 6 chapters, and we will link you to the first video from each! You can also click here to access the full guide with all the videos! 


Chapter 0



Chapter 1



Chapter 2



Chapter 3



Chapter 4



Chapter 5



Chapter 6




Check out the  FULL GUIDE on the Game Audio Resource website! 



Game Audio Resource

Game Audio Resource

Founded in Autumn 2018, Combining SFX library creation & over 10 years of professional AAA award winning audio computer games experience, our aim is to bring our expertise to any project in need of audio assistance. Also when we get a spare moment we create tutorial guides of the game audio world processes for assistance of those looking to start their own careers.






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